Thursday, June 20, 2013

Honey Tea Cakes

Hello again lovelies, 
Last week (yes I know I've been bad about keeping up with this) I made some of those honey tea cakes, also listed and sourced in the inspiration post, and can be found at 

These cakes were FABULOUS. One of my favorite, and very simple, recipes. 
Although it calls for A LOT of butter and egg yolk, it was wonderful and pretty simple nonetheless. 

This cake tastes great with a nice cup of mint or chamomile tea, hence it being called a "tea cake," and makes a wonderful breakfast. 

The cake is very dense and sweet, and a little slice goes a very, very, very long way.

 I think I may be in love with this recipe. 

(Oops this one broke when I took it out of the pan whooooops)

The recipe makes 4 3x5 cakes, see the butter and egg yolks aren't that numerous considering that it goes into 4 cakes, and it's great to give as a gift. I only saved one for myself, surprisingly enough. But I did not have the 3x5 pans, so I made two cakes instead of 4 and sliced them in half. 

I think the final product was both tasty and quite attractive looking (:
I'll be back soon with more delicious treats!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cherry Ricotta Tarts

Well my little minions,
I made those delightful Cherry Ricotta Tarts and finished them last night! They are wonderful! I would say the only thing is that the crust is very brittle and breaks easily, resulting in me breaking about half of the pastries all together, but they taste great. I loved the addition on lemon zest in the cherry/sugar topping, and the almonds give it a fantastic change in texture. Anyways...
Baking the pastry
Lemon zest and cherries
Baking the pastry (still!)
Cherry, zest, and sugar mixture
Completed pastry ready for ricotta
Completed pastry
Ready to eat, delicious looking tart! Again, if you want the recipe it is in my last post with the original picture from the site, thanks lovelies! 
-Shortycakes ^~^

Saturday, June 8, 2013


I would like to share with you all some wonderful inspirations I have had to start this blog. Some of these may be upcoming projects, or just ideas for the future, but I hope you enjoy.
I would like to say that is one of my favorite food blogs, and I found a million wonderful recipes through her Pinterest while I was on the hunt for yummy new projects. Anyways...

Lemon Lavender Cake:

Polish Easter Cake with Almonds & Rose Petals:

Matcha Almond Cookies:

Ginger Pudding:

Lavender and Buttermilk Tarts:

Apple Rose Tarts:

Lavender Shortbread:

Mango Sticky Rice Pie:

White Peach, Rose, and Basil Hand Pies:

Lemon Filled Lavender Cupcakes:

Rosewater Turkish Delight:

Cherry Ricotta Tart:

Honey Tea Cake:

Well there you go! I'm really hoping to get around to making the Lavender Shortbread soon, and the Cherrry Ricotta Tarts, so look forward to seeing those in the future, and enjoy the wonderful blogs and websites these recipes came from!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


I will be making snickerdoodles tomorrow.
It's not on my own time, it is for my cooking class, and it's a group dealio, but I will tell you all how they turn out and maybe some ideas for good snickerdoodles. I like snickerdoodles. A lot. Also, soon I would really like to make some meringues, making meringue is really fun if you don't mess it all up. But yeah, plans. Another idea, I found a good recipe for cherry ricotta tarts, which sound fabulous and I will have to make them soon or I might die. So look forward to my yummy food I will make?? 
Love you guys :3 not that anyone has even read this except for gillfrond. But yeah.
-Shortycakes <3

The Beginning

Wowow guys so this is my new blog, as you can see, and I would like to start off by telling you a little bit about what you'll see here and why I'm creating this blog. This blog is going to be my adventures in baking as I put my own twist on recipes and make wonderful baked goods. I am doing this to prepare for my plan after high school and college (I'm technically as of now a sophomore), which is to open a small bakery in Portland, Oregon. I want to appeal to many types of people, and I would like to make vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free baked goods, and I hope to be successful. Thanks guys :3 This is so exciting. I hope you enjoy!! ^~^ <3 (Oooh my first post, so excitinggggggggggg).